Fallout 4 update ps4
Fallout 4 update ps4

fallout 4 update ps4 fallout 4 update ps4

On Twitter, Hines clarified what he i’m comparing them over the same period of time. In a recent interview, Bethesda’s Pete Hines said Fallout 4 “has gotta be the most successful game we’ve ever launched in our company’s history,” surpassing The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Fixed occasional crashes while scrolling through Load Order menu.These were originally planned to release with update 1.33 which launched. Improvements to Reporting mods categories Fallout 4 has received an update today by Bethesda that includes a number of fixes.General performance and stability improvements.Added latest version number and notes to Mod Details page.Added required dependencies to Mod Details page.Added number of favorites count to Mod Details page.Added number of ratings count to Mods Browsing Menu.Added ability to sort Highest Rated and Most Favorited filters by today, week, month and all time.Here’s the full list of patch notes for Fallout 4 update 1.9, which is a 461MB download on PS4 and should show up as version 1.14: If you’re a PS4 Pro owner, Bethesda says Fallout 4 now includes native 1440p resolution, enhanced Godray effects, and enhanced draw distance for trees, grass, objects and NPCs.

Fallout 4 update ps4